Hikvision Turbo HD Products

Regardless of whether or not video surveillance is headed toward IP, analog will always have a place in the market. The ease of connection, immediate transmission rate, simple maintenance, and safe and stable application will all keep analog a mainstay in video surveillance. To bring HD clarity to analogue surveillance systems, Hikvision launched its first-generation Turbo HD DVRs and cameras in 2013. Since then, subsequent generations of Turbo HD products have delivered a wealth of innovations, including ultra-low-light video recording and super-efficient bandwidth and storage usage – helping Hikvision customers to enhance their security and perimeter protection.

Building on these revolutionary security advances, Hikvision has now announced the Turbo HD 5.0 family of surveillance products, which includes AcuSense Turbo HD DVRs and ColorVu Turbo HD Cameras. These technologies make it even easier for organizations and individuals to identify and react to security breaches, while also minimizing manual interventions and security costs.

DS-2CE16D8T-IT3ZF 2Мп Turbo HD видеокамера Hikvision с WDR
Turbo HD Camera

Hikvision Turbo HD Analog solution enables up to 8MP video transmission over coax and offers seamless compatibility with traditional SD cameras

Camera IP Speed Dome hồng ngoại 2_0 Megapixel HIKVISION DS-2DE7232IW-AE(S5) - SIEU THI VIEN THONG
PTZ Camera

If you are looking for a comprehensive view of a large open area while having the ability to focus and zoom in for details at the same time, then Turbo HD PTZ Cameras are the perfect candidate.


Turbo HD DVR is an advanced recorder which can connect HD analog cameras and provide powerful surveillance whether you’re upgrading a legacy analog security system or installing a brand new one.